There are times when people simply can't make it; sometimes they have good reasons, sometimes they don't. It's my responsibility to ensure that the rules of the course are applied equally and fairly to all participants.

With such fairness in mind, here is my policy on absences:

As a final point, "I had to work/I had an appointment" is not an acceptable excuse. You are responsible for ensuring your work schedule and your academic schedule are duly managed. I cannot excuse people for this reason, because classes would become an exercise of processing exceptions - everybody is "busy", after all. So: don't book yourself in for work shifts during classes. Don't book yourself for appointments during classes. Obviously, if you're going in for surgery, you're going to have documentation - I'm talking about appointments for job interviews, student loan issues, etc.

I hope I have been able to keep this clear and logical. If you have any questions, please ask.